Cylindrical Ball Bearings 842696M 50377 70596130 CAB bearings FACTORY

We Are Exporters Of Bearings, Selling High-Quality Bearings, Made In China, If You Have Bearing Requirements, Please Ask Us For An Inquiry.Sales@Precision-Bearings.Com, WhatsApp/ cell: 0086 18110622906.

Rolling mill bearing

Cylindrical Ball Bearings
Listed in Ascending Order by Interior Diameter
Type 1                                                                                                      Type 2
AGCO offers a wide range of bearings from a number of manufacturers
These Manufacturer Part Numbers are listed for reference only. The part number will not guarantee a specific manufacturer
Cylindrical Ball Bearings
Part No
Manufacturer Part No T Y P E A
nterior Diameter
Outside Diameter
nner Race Width
Outer Race Width
Sea nformation
(in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (in) (mm)
Cylindrical – Hex Bore
842696M 205KRR2C 0.875 22.23 2.047 52.00 1.000 25.40 0.59 15.00 Two Seals
Cylindrical – Spline Bore
50377 CS3574X6 2 0.756 19.20 1.850 47.00 0.55 14.00 0.55 14.00 Two Shields
Cylindrical – Square Bore
70596130 20SBG2209E3 1.299 33.00 3.346 85.00 1.417 36.00 1.18 30.00 Two Seals
79033107 SBX1173LLSQ 1.513 38.43 3.937 100.00 7.750 44.45 1.313 33.34 Two Seals
70406677 SBX1184LLSQ 1.500 38.10 3.937 100.00 1.750 44.45 1.438 36.52 Two Seals
Cylindrical – Round Bore
700706189 608LU 2 0.315 8 0.866 22 0.275 7 0.275 7 One Sea
700706189 608LLU/5C 2 0.315 8 0.866 21.996 0.275 7 0.275 7 Two Seals
71158140 EE3S Z 2 0.375 9.525 0.875 22.225 0.28 7.142 0.28 7.142 One Shield
700707402 P200PP Z10 2 0.393 10 1.18 29.997 0.354 9 0.354 9 Two Seals
71391540 5200 A2RS1TN9/C3 2 0.393 10 1.18 30 0.55 14 0.55 14 Two Seals
74507158 60622VBF00 2 0.433 1 0.905 23 0.315 8 0.315 8 Two Seals
642239M 6201LLBC3/2A 2 0.472 12 1.259 32 0.393 10 0.393 10 Two Seals
844096M 6202 2RS\1/2 2 0.5 12.7 1.377 35 0.433 1 0.433 1 Two Seals
710673 203KRR5 0.515 13.08 1.574 40 0.72 18.288 0.472 12 Two Seals
3435646M 6002LU 2 0.590 15 1.26 32.004 0.354 9 0.354 9 Two Seals
1440484X 6202 2 0.590 15 1.378 35 0.433 10.998 0.433 10.998 No Seals
103300A 6202-2Z/C3GJN 2 0.590 15 1.378 35 0.433 1 0.433 1 Two Shields
339932X 6202-2RLD-C3 2 0.590 15 1.378 35 0.433 1 0.433 1 Two Seals
13851X 7109 2 0.590 15 1.378 35 0.354 9 0.354 9 No Seals
B1647 6302 2 0.590 15 1.653 42 0.512 13.005 0.512 13.005 No Seals
3435718M 6302-2RS 2 0.590 15 1.653 42 0.51 13 0.51 13 Two Seals
1171646 526072A 2 0.59 15 1.25 31.75 0.59 15 0.59 15 Two Seals
833889M 6202 RS 2 0.59 15 1.377 35 0.433 1 0.433 1 One Sea

We Are Exporters Of Bearings, Selling High-Quality Bearings, Made In China, If You Have Bearing Requirements, Please Ask Us For An Inquiry.Sales@Precision-Bearings.Com, WhatsApp/ cell: 0086 18110622906.

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