Universal joint bearing
inch Neadle Bearing Joints
The Belden Needle Bearing Joint series is equipped with roller bearings that reduce friction and eliminate play and backlash
Single Universal Joints
The needle bearing universal joint is fitted with pre-lubricated needle bearings. Needle bearing universal joints are designed to maintain low backlash for critical positioning applications required by robotics and instrumentation and are excellent for continuous operation applications. The joint has rigid axial stiffness for push/pull loads and can handle higher angles and RPM.
• Operation at high RPM
• Standard operating angles for sinle joints up to 45°
• Low backlash
• Continuous operation
• Product materials:
Yokes – AISI 1144 / ~DIN 1.0727 – yoke tips induction hardened
Block and pins – AISI 8620 / DIN 1.6523 – hardened
Please contact US to assist in recommending the right Bearing for your application.