Combined Roller Bearings 4.056 4.059 Professional bearings manufacture

Combined Roller Bearings 4.056 4.059 Professional bearings manufacture

We have rich experience of manufacture and export in the bearing of field.; Mob/Whatsapp:+86 18895367568; Skype: mokbearings; /

Type D / mm T / mm d -0.05 / H / mm h / mm B / mm A / mm S / mm r / mm
4.053 52.5 40 30 33.0 27.0 17.0 5.0 15 2
4.054 62.5 42 30 37.5 30.5 20.0 2.5 20 3
4.055 70.1 48 35 44.0 36.0 23.0 2.5 22 4
4.056 77.7 54 40 48.0 36.5 23.0 3.0 26 4
4.057 77.7 53 40 40.0 29.0 23.0 3.0 26 4
4.058 88.4 59 45 57.0 44.0 30.0 3.5 26 3
4.059 101.2 67 50 46.0 33.0 28.0 3.0 30 3
4.06 107.7 71 55 53.0 39.0 31.0 3.0 34 5
4.061 107.7 71 60 69.0 55.0 31.0 4.0 34 5
4.062 123.0 80 60 72.3 56.0 37.0 5.0 40 5
4.063 149.0 103 60 78.5 58.5 43.0 5.5 50 3
Type FR / kN FA / kN C / kN CO / kN CA / kN COA / kN RPM Weight / kg Flange plates
4.053 5.23 1.68 24.0 32.0 7 7 800 0.46 APS APS-Q
4.054 9.40 3.10 31.0 35.5 11 11 900 0.53 AP0 AP0-Q
4.055 11.30 3.73 45.5 51.0 13 14 900 0.80 AP1 AP1-Q
4.056 11.72 3.87 48.0 56.8 18 18 800 1.00 AP2 AP2-Q
4.057 11.72 3.87 48.0 56.8 18 18 800 0.87
4.058 20.47 6.76 68.0 72.0 23 23 750 1.62 AP3.1 AP3-Q
4.059 20.11 6.70 73.0 82.0 25 27 700 1.74
4.06 21.68 7.16 81.0 95.0 31 36 650 2.27
4.061 21.68 7.16 81.0 95.0 31 36 650 2.82 AP4 AP4-Q
4.062 30.92 10.20 110.0 132.0 43 50 550 3.89 AP4 AP4-Q
4.063 54.02 17.80 151.0 192.0 68 71 450 6.52 AP6 AP6-Q
C = Dynamic load capacity radial bearing (ISO 281/1), CO = Static load capacity radial bearing (ISO 76)
CA = Dynamic load capacity axial bearing (ISO 281/1), COA = Static load capacity axial bearing (ISO 76)
FR = Load capacity radial bearing max. allowable force between bearing and profile
FA = Load capacity axial bearing max. allowable force between bearing and profile

We have rich experience in manufacture and export in the bearing of field.; Mob/Whatsapp:+86 18895367568; Skype: mokbearings; /

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