Combined Roller Bearings 4.053 4.054 4.055 CAB bearings

Combined Roller Bearings 4.053 4.054 4.055 CAB bearings

We are prefessional supplier of bearings and have many years’ experience in exporting.Please send inquiry to; whatsapp:+8618668253393; skype:live:sales5_1879;

Type D / mm T / mm d -0.05 / H / mm h / mm B / mm A / mm S / mm r / mm
4.053 52.5 40 30 33.0 27.0 17.0 5.0 15 2
4.054 62.5 42 30 37.5 30.5 20.0 2.5 20 3
4.055 70.1 48 35 44.0 36.0 23.0 2.5 22 4
4.056 77.7 54 40 48.0 36.5 23.0 3.0 26 4
4.057 77.7 53 40 40.0 29.0 23.0 3.0 26 4
4.058 88.4 59 45 57.0 44.0 30.0 3.5 26 3
4.059 101.2 67 50 46.0 33.0 28.0 3.0 30 3
4.06 107.7 71 55 53.0 39.0 31.0 3.0 34 5
4.061 107.7 71 60 69.0 55.0 31.0 4.0 34 5
4.062 123.0 80 60 72.3 56.0 37.0 5.0 40 5
4.063 149.0 103 60 78.5 58.5 43.0 5.5 50 3
Type FR / kN FA / kN C / kN CO / kN CA / kN COA / kN RPM Weight / kg Flange plates
4.053 5.23 1.68 24.0 32.0 7 7 800 0.46 APS APS-Q
4.054 9.40 3.10 31.0 35.5 11 11 900 0.53 AP0 AP0-Q
4.055 11.30 3.73 45.5 51.0 13 14 900 0.80 AP1 AP1-Q
4.056 11.72 3.87 48.0 56.8 18 18 800 1.00 AP2 AP2-Q
4.057 11.72 3.87 48.0 56.8 18 18 800 0.87
4.058 20.47 6.76 68.0 72.0 23 23 750 1.62 AP3.1 AP3-Q
4.059 20.11 6.70 73.0 82.0 25 27 700 1.74
4.06 21.68 7.16 81.0 95.0 31 36 650 2.27
4.061 21.68 7.16 81.0 95.0 31 36 650 2.82 AP4 AP4-Q
4.062 30.92 10.20 110.0 132.0 43 50 550 3.89 AP4 AP4-Q
4.063 54.02 17.80 151.0 192.0 68 71 450 6.52 AP6 AP6-Q
C = Dynamic load capacity radial bearing (ISO 281/1), CO = Static load capacity radial bearing (ISO 76)
CA = Dynamic load capacity axial bearing (ISO 281/1), COA = Static load capacity axial bearing (ISO 76)
FR = Load capacity radial bearing max. allowable force between bearing and profile
FA = Load capacity axial bearing max. allowable force between bearing and profile

Combined Roller Bearings 4.053 4.054 4.055 CAB bearings

We are prefessional supplier of bearings and have many years’ experience in exporting.Please send inquiry to; whatsapp:+8618668253393; skype:live:sales5_1879;

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